6660 Kennedy Road, Suite 201 & 205 Mississauga ON L5T 2M9 CANADA

(866) 846-8016

WEEKDAYS: 9:00 - 9:00 .


Courses & Services

HOME / Services

We offer services in many forms and through various ancient healing modalities. We use these methods with our own families, communities and that of our clients. These practices, applied consistently have allowed many, if not all to completely shift their own realities and improve the quality of life. Consistency is key.

Our energies, frequencies, vibrations and resonances are innate gifts that have been blessed to us to be of service to ourselves and others. Gifts that are intended to be nurtured at all cost. A part of this nurturing is learning how to say no to things, people, and situations that are not in alignment with the realities that we are co-creating.

Say no now, to say yes later, is a form of self-discipline to develop cognitive intelligence. This is the capacity to reason, solve problems, think critically and/or abstractly, comprehend complex ideas and the application of those ideas in the 3rd, 4th, 5th+ dimension/density planes of existence. To be able to learn in many faucets while co-creating lifetimes, timelines, pathways and realities that we want to experience.

There are many ways to develop and build on this discipline. Find that which resonates. But to understand what resonates with our unique blueprints and soul-prints, we must have some semblance of identity. We are similar to that of a bridge, helping to reconnect on quantum levels to our innate source points of origins through the Galactic Center of creation. To understand ourselves, we must be more attuned with higher states of being, rather than just being in a perpetual state of human consumption. The concept of truly living from a conscious and righteous place; human beings vs. human havings.

Here are some questions to begin asking to really understand Self at a deeper level and gain knowledge of our true identity. Who am I? What makes me unique? What is my purpose, my unique mission here at this point in the timeline? What are some of my innate gifts that I am birthing at this moment? How can developing cognitive intelligence help shift this stage of my journey? What works for me? How do I remain centered and grounded? What are some of the methods and modes I can apply at this stage of my journey? When life hits me for my level up, how do I shift and re-adjust? Responding vs. reacting. How am I able to clear, activate and charge my Chakra system on a regular basis to ensure that I am in alignment with my divine purpose at all times?

Knowledge, understanding, critical thought, and application of wisdom is Power. Go get you some!

Love, Life, Light & Balance


Releasing & Restoring


Water Healing


Dream It - Write It - Visualize It - Manifest It - Live It Journal


Services Available


Full soul divination.


Full Reading

Includes name, life and birth path.


Name Reading

Full detailed breakdown of each letter of name and the vibrations of each.


Soul Retrieval

May be used for person, spirit, ancestor or businesses.


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