6660 Kennedy Road, Suite 201 & 205 Mississauga ON L5T 2M9 CANADA

(866) 846-8016

WEEKDAYS: 09:00 - 09:00 .



Body & mind balance

Meditation practice

Healthy daily life


Crown Blessing

Water is the first element of life. Water nourishes, nurtures, and purifies. It is the symbol of the ever-present and abundant nourishment of the Divine God and Goddess, Nun and Naunet. It symbolizes the symbiotic flow of the great body of thought that is present in the Universe.

Always honour the Divine Mother and Father, embracing their presence within and around us. As we prepare for this blessing, we call forth their presence, grace, compassion and mercy, and during times of difficulty and confusion for clarity and focus.

Ensure there is a sacred container of water present to complete the blessing.

Command: I now allow myself and my heart to open to become soft and pliable.


  1. Dip both index fingers in the sacred container of water and place them in the middle of the forehead. Draw them from the center of the forehead, over the top of the head and down to the base of the neck. Chant as this is being done: I am blessing the Spirit of my head now. Repeat this process 3 times.

  2. Dip fingers in the sacred container of water again. Place fingers in the middle of the crown and draw fingers across the head and down to each ear. Chant as this is being done: I am blessing the spiritual energies, frequencies, vibrations, resonances, elements and forces of my head now, Repeat this process 3 times.

  3. Dip fingers in the sacred container of water again. Place fingers on the third eye Chakra and draw from the center across the forehead, to each side. Chant as this is being done: I am blessing my spiritual vision, that I may see my way with clarity and focus using guided discernment. That I may hold the unique guided visions of my unique soul-print and blueprint now. Repeat this process 3 times.

  4. Dip fingers in the sacred container of water again. Simultaneously stroke each eye gently, while closed. Chant as this is being done: I am blessing my eyes so that I may see all truths with clarity and focus, while neutralizing all falsehoods and distortions from my sight and visions now. Repeat this process 3 times.

  5. Dip fingers in the sacred container of water again. Simultaneously stroke each nostril from top to bottom. Chant as this is being done: I am blessing my breath. The divine breath of the Supreme that is flowing in, through and around me. That my life and being is sustained by the Supreme Great Mother and the Supreme Great Father now. Repeat this process 3 times.

  6. Dip fingers in the sacred container of water again. Stroke each ear. Chant as this is being done: I am blessing my ears that I may recognize and follow the guidance and directions of my unique soul-print and blueprint. That of my ancestors, the great spirits and all that walks with me now, with ease and effortlessness. Repeat this process 3 times.

  7. Dip fingers in the sacred container of water again. Stroke lips from the center outwards. Chant as this is being done: I am blessing my ability to speak and communicate the truths of my will and divine ka, now and always, as consciousness in expansion. Repeat this process 3 times.

  8. Dip fingers in the sacred container of water again. Stroke the circular outline of the face, starting at the center of the forehead, around to the chin at the base. Chant as this is being done: I am blessing my unique identity as an expression of consciousness in expansion, experiencing life in this realm, at this point in the current timeline. I am a divine expression of love, life, light and balance. Repeat this process 3 times.

  9. Dip fingers in the sacred container of water again. Bless the head again from the starting position by placing the index fingers in the center of the forehead, over the top of the crown and down to the base of the neck. Chant as this is being done: I am blessing the spirit of my head and mind, crown and consciousness to guide me throughout the days and night this day and all the days ahead of me, with ease and effortlessness now. Repeat this process 3 times.

  10. Dip fingers in the sacred container of water again. Place fingers in the middle of the crown and draw fingers across the head and down to each ear. Chant as this is being done: I am blessing the spiritual energies, frequencies, vibrations, resonances, elements and forces of my head, mind and consciousness. To guide and protect my thoughts, visions, and directions so that I am always in direct alignment with the essences of my heartspace, my sacred sacral space (wombspace), to align and co-create lifetimes, timelines, pathways and realities that are serving my highest good and that of the greater good now. Repeat this process 3 times.

Breathe in deeply, hold for 3 seconds and exhale slowly. Allow for the breath of life force air to guide into a state of being present in the moment. Drop into the body and allow the spaces to feel without resistance. Allow Self to embody the presence of the moment. Return home to pure, loving awareness.

Return home to the temple of the heart-space. To feel the infinite love flowing in, around and through every field, space, body and template of being.

Return home to the temple of humanity. Allow Self to feel and flow with the natural currents of life in the web of inter-being.

Release all control and resistance now. Allow Self to step into the void of the cosmos and allow the heart-space and the pure spirit within to guide all that we are searching for at this moment with ease.

Behind every thought, programming and limited belief, there I am. The REAL Me. What I am, is so much more than fear. I am love. I am pure. I am worthy. I am free. I am sovereign. I am Divine. I am that, I am.

I command the light of love, truth, knowledge and understanding to shine on every part of Self that needs healing, guidance and attention at this moment. I am open to the healing and release that is being offered to me at this stage of my journey.

Chakra Activation & Charging

I am activating and charging the energies, vibrations and resonances of my feet and my legs now. May I walk with all that is serving my highest good and that of the greater good onto pathways and into lifetimes and realities that I am consciously co-creating at this stage of my unique journey.

I am activating and charging my adrenals, my genital space, and the base of my spine. My Root Chakra. My 1st energetic center. May I always be clear about what I bring into and release from my body and life. I am safe and secured, grounded and firm in my divine purpose as I am walking my journey now at the pace that is unique to my blueprint. I am trusting my process. I am trustworthy. I am safe. I am secure. I am guided. I am supported.

I am activating and charging my pelvic area, my reproductive organs & internal systems, my womb-space. My Sacral Chakra. My 2nd energetic center. May I always be in my place of my own unique powers and innate gifts. Activating and accessing balance of my feminine energies, frequencies, vibrations, spirits, elements, resonances and forces at the maximum intensity to always operate, vibrate and resonate with the highest vibrations of unconditional love, unity, oneness, compassion, understanding and balance to nurture my unique creativity and energetic essences. Always operating from a place of divine sovereignty for Self and others. As I stand firmly in my identity, I express myself fully with the flows of my unlimited potential that is connected to the Galactic Center, never denying any parts or versions of Self. Every part of my life brings me pleasure and satisfaction. I am a being of creativity and vibrance and I shine unaplogetically in my truths.

I am activating and charging my digestive systems, my pancreas, and surrounding adrenals. My internal central Sun, my white dwarf, my masculine energies. My Solar Plexus. My 3rd energetic center. May I always use my creative potential in ways that are beneficial and sustainable for the timelines, lifetimes, pathways and realities in alignment with the highest levels possible of my unique spirit and energetic essences. I am manifesting with ease and effortlessness, gracefully, and successfully. My inner fire burns through all fears, all forms of stagnation and blockages, all limitation and all that is no longer serving me at this stage of my journey.

I am activating and charging my heart-space, my chest, my thymus. My Heart Chakra. My 4th energetic center. May I receive and give fully the unconditional love I choose to share with Self and others. I am always operating from a place of unity, oneness, unconditional love, compassion, understanding and balance for Self and others. I am worthy of the most radiant love. I live and operate harmoniously with Self and others. I am now releasing all versions, forms, alignments, and entanglements of energies, frequencies, vibrations, spirits, elements, resonances and forces to self sabotage, fear, manipulation, violence, power over abuse, bullying, cheating, lying, unnatural consumption, discord, deception, deceit, injustice, unauthorized uses of my innate gifts, especially without my conscious knowledge and authorization to violate the laws of free will and sovereignty, tethering, siphoning, and/or splicing now. I am commanding that all is immediately transmuted into positive and/or zero point energies, frequencies, vibrations, spirits, elements, resonances and forces of unconditional love, oneness, unity, peace, truth, justice, knowledge, understanding, compassion, abundance, and fortune for Self and others, who are open to receiving now.

I am activating and blessing my throat, my thyroids, the crown of my head-space, my pineal gland, my pituitary gland. My Throat Chakra, my Third Eye Chakra, and my Crown Chakra. My 5th, 6th, and 7th energetic centers. May I always speak and clearly communicate the truths of my divine will unapologetically, and my guided visions proudly, despite others' opinions and perspectives. I radiate and speak my truths openly and freely. I, alone, with that of my inner guidance, am responsible for the clarity of my expressions. I am clear and focused. I am settled and calm. I trust my intuition in every moment of every day. I trust what I discover in my dreams, and my visions as the signs and symbols being guided to me to take the steps necessary to ensure my path is always serving me and connected to my highest timelines connected to the Galactic Center of creation. I am a divine being of love, life, light and balance that is directly connected and aligned to all cosmic planes, realms and levels of existence. All is well. my mind, my body, and my spirit are now healed and activated in alignment with that of my over-soul to flow synergistically.

I am blessing the place I now stand in the moment, the place of my divine power and will. May I always be fully present in my body and life to celebrate each moment, exactly as they are.

May I always be aware and bring focus to my sacred essences, my divine Feminine and Masculine principles, my Akashic Self, My Shadow and my Higher Spirit Self always. Ase.

Nature Healing Society - 528Hz Love Frequency

Parts of the Soul

Khet - The physical body

Sah - Spiritual body

Ren - Name, identity

Ba - Personality

Ka - Double, vital essence

Ib - Heart

Shut - Shadow

Sekhem - Power, form

Collectively, the Akh is the representation of a being that has gone through and completed the karmic cycles and has learned the necessary lessons by the over-soul for natural ascension to occur. Death is only the beginning because death is but a gateway into another density or realm of existence.

When one has allowed for Self to open to the natural occurring metamorphosis process to take place, death then no longer occurs and that being is able to move with ease and effortlessness through the various densities of creation.

As consciousness in expansion, each of us has the innate ability to shift our epigenetic in any given moment by acquiring new information through various sources and by practices of various modalities to alchemize on quantum levels what is needed to achieve such a task.

We go within and allow Self to sit in silence for deeper understanding and guidance, to neutralize all distortions and falsehoods and seek that which is being guided to us at every moment in every day, The power of Presence.

Home Guard & Blessing

Bless this home, may peace dwell within,

Protect all that enter, be it family, friend and/or kin.

Bless every room, window, ceiling and wall,

Bless each room, closet, basement, bless it all.

Bless, guard and protect the roof to ground, surrounding with your protective and deflective love, life, light and balance.

Hold us in your loving care, every second of everyday and every night.

As above, so below.

As within, so without.

As the Universe, so too, the Soul. Ase.

Understanding the Manifestation Process

When manifesting use these phrases:

I am.

I can.

I will.

I have.

I receive.

I believe.

I achieve.

I can be.

I can do.

I can have.

I can achieve.

It is effortless.

With ease and effortlessness.

Remember, the past, present and future all exist simultaneously. A good way to understand this concept is to tap into the Spirit realm.

The Ancestors connect to the past, which resides in the underworld, The Fire Element. The Earth Realm connects to the Present, The Earth Element. And the Future connects to the Higher Spirit Self, The Air/Aether Element. Self, the bridge to all, The Water Element.

Connect to each and viola, past, present, and future.

Master the elements for all that which we seek.

As above, so below. As within, so without. As the Universe, so too the Soul.

Water - Soul Level. Connects to our emotions. Mastering our emotions so that they are teaching and guiding us, not commanding us. Self.

Air/Aether - Mental Level. Mind space. Connecting with Spirit and Galactic Center through energies, frequencies, vibrations, spirits, elements, resonances and forces. Higher Spirit Self.

Fire - Divinity Level. Connects with our passions to access our innate magic, power and gifts. Ancestors (ancient, generational, ancestral).

Earth - Material Level. Value. Manifesting our intentions with integrity. Actions with character. Earth realm entities and physical elements.

Manifestation Protocol


Before starting the process, sit with yourself in solitude to introspect. Clear your mind, focus on your breath, and be present in the moment now. Connect with your Higher Spirit Self and guides or in a way that resonates with your unique blueprint and allow yourself to feel the omnipresence of your support systems. Allow yourself to flow into the stillness of the void. Release control and fall into love, fun and trust as you create. While in this space of the creative forces, allow the command request to fall into your consciousness with ease. Always focusing on your alchemical breath, creating a symbiotic flow of rhythmic energetic waves. Proceed to the first step of the method of manifesting when comfortable.

Affirm: "I am open to all the ways my support systems are here for me. I am open to all the ways the Universe shows up for me as I show up for myself and others. I am nothingness. I am formless. I am Presence."


Write your command requests 3X in the morning upon awakening, 6X at noon-day and 9X just before going to bed.

The consistent application of this method reinforces the intentions of the request while sending out powerful resonances of cosmic energy waves through the Universal cosmic web. The universe then uses this information (energies, frequencies, vibrations) and manifests into reality with ease (if doing the physical work of creating the necessary pathways). The how is never up to us, as the Universe always supports us at every stage of our journey. Our responsibility is to be open to receiving it from all corners and directions.

Affirm: "All doors of opportunities that are serving my highest good are open to me now."


In addition, to these steps, ensure application of physical methods are being applied in the 3D to create or connect with the pathways and timelines to have it land with ease. Take guided steps for maximum effectiveness.

For example, if you are running into roadblocks or getting frustrated, you have crossed your own boundaries and need to step back to realign, refocus, and re-calibrate to shift energies and back into the 5d timelines. Do not force. Do not chase. Be still and allow all to flow with ease through and to you now, in this moment.

3 - I do. Solar Plexus chakra: symbolizes the connection to the Universe and its creative force. Man as a threefold being, consisting of body, mind and spirit. "The One and the many," The creative principle in the Godhead of self-expression.

6 - I see. Third Eye chakra: symbolizes the symbiotic connection of the YOUniverse with and to the Universe, harmoniously. The vibration of home, family, and service. The number of regeneration. Creative attributes of God (0), expressed through the body (6).

9 - I transform. Atomic gateway (9th chakra) to other universes, the Akashic records of everything that ever was, and will be: symbolizes completion of a cycle. Allowing yourself to let go of that which is no longer serving our highest good. Transformation. Rebirth. Coming full circle: circle of continuity, the tail being the life force energy that propels it.

"For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also." ~ James 2:14-26

Happy manifesting!

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