6660 Kennedy Road, Suite 201,

Mississauga ON L5T 2M9 CANADA

(289) 998-3443

WEEKDAYS: 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM.

SATURDAY: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM.

SUNDAY: Closed

Body & mind balance

Healthy daily life

Meditation practice


Love, Life, Light & Balance

Feeling stuck? Lacking a sense of direction or purpose?

Are you able to sit with Self to introspect for deeper understanding? Are you able to sit in uncomfortable silence and listen to the direction of your heart and inner guidance? Are you able to sit in uncomfortable situations to learn the necessary lessons to evolve to the next stages of your journey?

If you were able to change your molecular structure... Essentially, re-write your biochemistry on quantum levels, would you?

In order to change, one must first understand. Accept who we are at this moment. Do you know or understand why you do the things you do? Do you understand why your parents do the things they do? Are you operating off of traumas or coding that have become obsolete at this stage of your journey?

Slow down. Breathe. Go within. Let go and release. Release of control. Release of all that which is no longer serving us at this moment. Release all past versions of Self. Settle back into the current state of being to love and accept Self exactly as we are, in this moment now.

Always remember that in every moment, we are able to choose the realities we want to manifest by the energies, frequencies, vibrations and resonances we are emitting through our intentions, words, thoughts, and actions.

What types of realities are you co-creating for yourself in this moment?

Food for thought.

Affirmations of Alignment

  • I am the absolute best version of myself in this moment. I am complete. I am whole. I am worthy. Ase.

  • I am guided and ready to move into the next stages of my journey in a loving, peaceful, effortless and guided way. Ase.

  • I am now releasing every limited pattern, programming, way of thinking, being and perceiving that is no longer of service to my highest good, and that of the greater good. I am grateful for all the lessons that were brought to the surface to release and let go now to move forward with love, peace and power. Ase.

  • Every situation to every problem can be found by quieting my mind and going within for guidance, knowledge and understanding. I am now activating the healing that is unique to my blue-print and soul-print at the pace that is aligned with the current stage of my journey. Ase.

  • I am in competition with nothing and no one. I am in my own lane and moving at the pace that is unique to me to ensure my self love and self care are prioritized at all times. Ase.

  • I personify love, peace and power. I am the embodiment of justice, truth, righteousness, expansion, wisdom, courage, and grace. Ase

9 Philosophies of Life

1. Unity and oneness

2. Honour

3. Respect

4. Be true in virtues; Practice that which we preach

5. Be honest

6. Loyalty - Love is love, but what is love without loyalty?!

7. Always be in the attitude of gratitude

8. Be happy; Seek to find peace and happiness no matter the circumstances we are facing at the moment. Our circumstances do not define us, we define them!

9. Ensure the intent behind actions, thoughts and words are genuine and from a place of love, compassion, and understanding

Firstly, be true, honest, and authentic to Self and then to others. This honours the Divine within each one of us as consciousness in expansion, while honouring the Divine that is within others.

© Asili Amani, 2019-2024 | All rights reserved.